A goosebump horror story

never liked the school lift. It was old, creaky and smelled like mold. But it was the only way to get to the sixth floor, where my art class was. So every Monday and Wednesday, I had to endure the claustrophobic ride with a bunch of other students who seemed to enjoy pushing and shoving each other.

One day, I was running late for class and the lift was already full when I got there. I squeezed in, hoping no one would notice me. The doors closed and the lift started to ascend. I felt a surge of relief as I saw the numbers change on the display.

But then, something went wrong. The lift jerked and stopped abruptly between the fourth and fifth floors. The lights flickered and went out. A loud alarm sounded, followed by a voice over the intercom.

"Attention, please. There has been a power outage in the building. Please remain calm and do not panic. We are working to restore the electricity as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation."

The voice was calm and reassuring, but it did nothing to ease my anxiety. I felt a wave of panic wash over me as I realized I was trapped in a dark metal box with no way out.

I heard some of the other students scream and curse. Some tried to pry open the doors or press the emergency button. Others started to cry or pray. I felt someone grab my arm and squeeze it hard.

"Hey, are you okay?" It was Jake, a boy from my art class who sat next to me. He was one of the few people who were nice to me in school.

"I-I'm fine," I lied, trying to sound brave. "Just a little scared."

"Me too," he said. "But don't worry, they'll get us out soon."

I nodded, hoping he was right. I tried to calm myself by taking deep breaths and counting backwards from ten.

But then, something else went wrong. The alarm stopped and the intercom went silent. The lift started to move again, but not upwards. It was going down.


Too fast.

I felt my stomach drop as the lift plummeted towards the ground floor. I heard metal screech and cables snap. I saw sparks fly and smoke fill the air.

I screamed along with everyone else as we braced ourselves for impact.

But it never came.

The lift slowed down and stopped gently at the ground floor. The doors opened and we saw daylight.

We were alive.

We stumbled out of the lift, coughing and shaking. We saw a crowd of people waiting for us outside. Teachers, staff, parents, police officers. They looked shocked and relieved to see us.

They asked us if we were okay, if we needed any help, if we wanted to go to the hospital.

We said yes, yes, yes.

But none of us could explain what had happened.

How did the lift fall so fast and stop so smoothly?

How did we survive without any injuries?

How did we escape from a horror experience in school lift?

Remains a mystery..........

Aryanil Mukherjee 


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